Org Charter

Prometheus Charter

Last Updated 02/01/2025

Article 1 – Our Mission

The Prometheus is a gaming organization in the Star Citizen universe focused on living successfully on the frontier.  By design it is for a more mature group of individuals who are goal oriented and focused on having fun.

Article 2 – Organization Leadership

Section 1 – The senior leadership of Prometheus are the Marshals, who follow a chain of command downwards.   The 3 Corps Commanders shall serve as Advisors to the Marshals.

Leadership Positions/Ranks:


  • Marshal
  • Star Admiral    
  • Star Colonel    
  • Star Major       
  • Star Lieutenant    
  • Star Ensign

Non-Commissioned Officers

  • Master Starman
  • Starman 1st Class
  • Starman 2nd Class
  • Starman


  • Crewman
  • Initiate
  • Cadet

Additional ranks may be added as deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Prometheus.

Prometheus’s structure shall consist of a Leadership HQ and 3 Corps.

  • Spartan Corps
  • Industrial Corps
  • Science Corps

Section 2 – Founders   

The original Founders of Prometheus are Gelasor and phatom77.  The Marshals serve as the Leaders of the Organization.  They reserve the right to add to the Marshal cadre if necessary, at their discretion.

Article 3 – Rules for Membership

The following rules apply to all members of Prometheus:

  • Members must be 21 years old or older to join.  Exceptions may be considered by the Marshals but there is no guarantee of a waiver of the age requirement.
  • Be respectful to all others, whether a member or non-member.
  • No Harassment of any kind.
  • No discussion of Politics, Religion, Divisive Topics, or current events.
  • No attempt to influence others to adhere to one’s particular beliefs or causes.
  • Profanity is permitted as long as it is not excessive or directed at someone.
  • No posting or discussion of anything that includes Gore, Nudity, Pornography, or other content considered lewd or inappropriate.  All NSFW content is prohibited.
  • Piracy and Griefing are absolutely prohibited.  Privateering will be permitted under specific circumstances detailed further in the Charter.
  • Real Life comes first.  Members will never be expected to place the needs of the Prometheus gaming community above real life commitments.  Each member is expected to communicate any expected absence up their respective Chain of Command so that a limited Leave of Absence may be granted.
  • Any member found to have committed any illegal act in the online environment while a member of Prometheus may be banned immediately to maintain its integrity.
  • Members must commit to a Drama Free environment focused on facilitating the playing of the game.  Anyone causing or promoting drama of any kind will be subject to disciplinary action by Leadership up to and including banning from the Organization.
  • Complaints About Star Citizen:  We play the game we have.  Let’s all keep calm and have fun!

The Prometheus leadership and any staff designated by the Marshals, reserves the right to address any violation of these rules with disciplinary action up to and including banning from the Organization.   The leadership and said staff further reserves the right to address perceived violations of proper decorum in discord even if not specifically listed here.

Article 4 – Onboarding Process

The new applicant for membership will provide their RSI handle url link for review.  Participate in an onboarding voice conversation with an ORG Onboarder.  Agree to follow all discord, charter, and ROE rules.  Once approved for probationary membership they will be promoted to the rank of Initiate.

Once an Initiate they will be a probationary member for 30 days and subject to removal based on ORG rules.

The Evaluation Team will review the progress of the new probationary member during the 30 day probationary period.  Prior to the expiration of the 30 day period the Evaluation Team will submit a recommendation to the Marshals for final membership determination.

The Evaluation Team shall be made up of 3 full members of Prometheus chosen by the Marshals.  These Team members shall serve for a 6 month period or sooner if they resign from the position.

Article 5 – Training Requirements

Each new member of Prometheus must complete 5 Basic Training Events in order to be eligible for promotion to Starman or above.  The Marshals, and in certain circumstances, Training Instructors may waive part or all of a specific training requirement after having determined the new member has demonstrated the required knowledge or skills.

  • Basic Flight Maneuver Training
  • Basic Medical
  • Basic Survival Training
  • Basic Crew Training
  • Basic Navigation Training

Each of these Training modules will be done live in game.

Further Advanced Training may be required by Corps Commanders to qualify for certain roles.

Article 6 – Promotions, Ranks and Role Assignments

Rank and Role Assignments will be awarded based on Merit.  Simply holding a current rank for an extended  period of time does not qualify a member for promotion.

All Officer ranks will be considered Commissions and must be approved by the Marshals.  Officer commissions will be considered based on the candidates Chain of Command recommendation, their contributions to the Organization and an interview by the Marshals.

The Marshals may, at their discretion, appoint a member directly to a specific rank based on the needs of Prometheus.

The Marshals may grant authority to subordinate Officers to approve certain NCO ranks within their division at their discretion.

An individual member must have served in their current rank for a minimum of one month before they may be eligible for promotion.     Promotions will be based on merit and the needs of the ORG.  Please see Addendum 1 for Rank Caps.

The only persons to hold the Star Admiral rank will be Corps Commanders.

To qualify for any rank above Crewman a member must have done the following at a minimum:

  • Completed All 5 Basic Entry Level Org Trainings.
  • Expressed a desire for advancement to their supervising NCO or Officer.
  • Demonstrate the ability to plan and execute an event/operation in the game while being shadowed by a Senior NCO or Officer.
  • Clearly demonstrate leadership ability.
  • Be open to constructive criticism and self improvement.
  • Demonstrate the willingness to follow the directions of their supervising NCO or Officer.
  • Completed All 5 Basic Entry Level Org Trainings.

Article 7 – Leave of Absence

If you need to take time off from the game you can request a leave of absence through your Chain of Command.

  • Master Starman to Star Ensign may grant a LOA for up to 30 days.
  • Star Lieutenant to Star Colonel may grant a LOA for up to 60 days.
  • Star Admiral  may grant a LOA for up to 90 days.
  • Any period longer than 90 days must be granted by the Marshals.

Appropriate notations should be made by the granting authority in the members record.

Article 8 – Stepping Down from Leadership Roles

  • If real life is making it difficult to fulfill your Role in Prometheus, please consider voluntarily stepping down to a lower rank.  This is preferable to being involuntarily reduced in rank.  Inactivity, while in a Leadership role, may lead to a reduction in rank.  Those who do not voluntarily step down and are not fulfilling their role may be reduced in rank by the Marshals.
  • Discuss these kinds of issues with your immediate supervisor in the Org.
  • If you have stepped down voluntarily and your real life situation changes please notify your Chain of Command you are available and wish to be considered for promotion.  You will be considered for promotion once there is an appropriate Role open.
  • If you have received a Commission as an Officer, you do not lose it by stepping down voluntarily.  You will be reduced in rank befitting your availability to play.  But, may be promoted back to Officer once your availability changes, although possibly at a lower rank.

Article 9 – Diplomacy

  • Diplomatic Relations will be conducted by the Marshals or their Designee/s.
  • The Marshals may appoint one or more Diplomats, as needed, to represent Prometheus.
  • The Marshals may enter into one or more Mutual Defense and Cooperation Treaties or an Alliance with one or more other Organizations.

Article 10 – Treasury

  • To be determined

Article 11 – Conflict Resolution

The Marshals reserve the right to review or reverse decisions made by Leaders in the Chain of Command that are in violation of the Charter. Such action will only be taken by the Marshals when said NCO/Officer is unwilling to correct said decision. If deemed necessary, the NCO/Officer may be removed from their role, demoted, or both by the Marshals.

Prometheus may institute a lifetime ban for any member based on flagrant violation of the Charter. This requires an investigation and agreement by the Marshals.

Any Prometheus member having been disciplined for rule violations up to, but not including a ban, may petition the Marshals for a review of their case.  The Marshals decision after review will be final.

NCOs and Officers are obligated to attempt to resolve any conflicts between members if possible.  If unable to resolve an issue, the NCO/Officer involved shall refer the issue up the Chain of Command for resolution.

Article 12 – Charter Changes

The Marshals reserve the right to make additions or modifications to the Prometheus  Charter in order to ensure the efficient operation of the Organization.

Addendum 1 – Rank Guidelines

New members of Prometheus enter as a Cadet

Once onboarding is completed they are probationary members for 30 days at the rank of Initiate

If they complete their 30 day probationary period with no issues they will be promoted to Crewman and are considered a full member.

To be eligible for NCO ranks all new member entry level training, (5) must be completed.  For other requirements refer to Article 6 of the Charter.

Officer ranks are considered a Commissioned rank.  These ranks are recommended by the members Chain of Command and must be approved by the Marshals.

Corps Commanders can authorize promotions to NCO ranks without the need for approval from the Marshals.  This as long as the member being considered for promotion has met all Charter (Article 6) requirements and has been in their current rank for at least 30 days.


  • Corps
  • Division
  • Squadron

Ranks based on Role:

  • Corps Commander Star Admiral
  • Corps XO Star Colonel
  • Division CO Star Major – Star Colonel
  • Division XO Star Lieutenant – Star Major
  • Squadron CO Master Starman – Star Ensign – Star Lieutenant
  • Squadron XO Starman 2nd Class – Starman 1st Class – Master Starman

These are the current rank caps for each level.  Subject to change as we grow.

There may be some exceptions for founding members of the ORG.